Decorative Streetlighting and Signage Poles/Bases Not Affected by Supply Chain Issues
The heavy reliance on the global supply chain for the $1.3 trillion US construction industry makes it sensitive to events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues stemming from this once-in-a-generation event that significantly disrupted the supply chain translated into completion delays in every aspect of construction since many projects have materials sourced from China and other global manufacturers.
Large residential and retail construction projects use hundreds of products, roof shingles, HVAC systems, sign poles, and streetlights to illuminate a new community properly. When more supply chain inputs are needed, the risk and potential pain of deadline delays are greater.
If you have yet to encounter a problem procuring construction supplies or even personal goods such as computers, batteries, or coffee, you are one of the lucky few. The supply chain crisis has affected almost every sector of the US economy.
Brandon Industries is in a unique position that makes our light and sign pole products invulnerable to a Suez Canal backup or a tsunami in the Pacific. Instead of relying on third-party suppliers, our casting facilities are spread across the globe, allowing us to provide customers with products when and where they need them on time and within budget.
The bright side is the global supply chain is making modest and slow improvements. In the meantime, the hunt is over for in-stock decorative lamps, sign bases, and poles. When the architectural aesthetic of a home-owners association, retail development, park, or urban area calls for decorative street signage and LED street lighting, we have the inventory on hand. Give us a call.